Our Projects
HORIZON Europe EU Project
After many years of relying upon industrial recruitment as the primary economic development, watching environmental degradation being accepted as the acceptable price for economic progress, and experiencing population decline as young people leave in search of economic opportunities, TRANSYTE wants to offer an alternative paradigm. Connecting youth to working directly with higher education institutions (HEIs) and entrepreneurs (EURs) who see value in youth’s potential to sharpen their focus and provide concrete examples of their principles in action. This approach links resource mobilization and facilitates partnerships for transformative change to create economic, political, scientific and community capital for transition and broaden investment opportunities in youth’s future.
The overall ambition of this project is to encourage and improve the transition from education and training to the labour market of young people across the EU by understanding challenges (especially in the context of COVID-19) and proposing concrete solutions in the form of tailored policies and entrepreneurial education programmes.
ERASMUS + Project
PEMMET-EU focuses on developing a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mind-sets, competences and skills through cooperation of 4 HEIs, 1 VET, 4 Enterprises, 1 Chamber. PEMMET-EU relies on new teaching methods and learning tools that incorporate transversal skills learning and application throughout higher education by building a digital platform for entrepreneurs-to-become where AI tools are embedded. Additionally, VET programmes will be developed in cooperation with enterprises such as SMEs, NGOs and aimed at strengthening employability, creativity and new professional pathways. By incorporating a spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship into a particular field of study, academic program, or course, individuals such as students, researchers, educators, and staff can acquire the necessary skills, competencies, and motivation to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset.
The SE TALKS – Let’s Talk Social Entrepreneurship aims to bring closer the Social Entrepreneurship field to new and upcoming entrepreneurs, innovators and general public.
The main objective is to raise awareness about social entrepreneurship, to share its impacts and to motivate young people to get involved in businesses with values which produce social impact.
Research Consulting
Supporting the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and other relevant stakeholders in developing a set of policy measures for promoting and providing support to social enterprises, in further improving the legal framework for social entrepreneurship, including harmonization of relevant laws, development of bylaws, standards, rulebooks, guides and other documents, as well as protocol and procedures for regulating the establishment/registration/operation and support of social enterprises.
Specific tasks include:
– Revising the Draft-Strategy for Support of Social Enterprises of the country;
– Revising the Draft-Action Plan for Support of Social Enterprises of the country;
– Conducting training for social entrepreneurship for policy and decision makers and Regional Centers for Support of Social Enterprises in the country.
Support long-term and sustainable inclusion of persons with disabilities as equal and active citizens of their communities and the society at large, by supporting and enhancing the implementation of the new National Deinstitutionalization Strategy 2018-2027. Support the establishment and improve the availability of community-based social services across the country and reduce the number of children and adults with disabilities who live in long-term residential institutions for social care. The assignment, in particular, was related to supporting the development of a suitable legal and policy framework for the implementation of the Strategy.
The main purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the level of influence of the macro-level factors on the meso- and microlevel context by taking into account the previous considerations (Austin et al., 2006; Dees & Anderson, 2006; Nicholls & Cho, 2006; Light, 2006; Mair & Marti, 2009; Zahra et al., 2009; Dacin et al., 2010; Stephan et al., 2014; Fici, 2015, Chichevaliev, 2020) for development of the SE ecosystem and the creation of a conducive macro-environment for growth of the sector.
The specific objectives of the research are the following.
Specific objective 1. To explore the trends in SE literature with emphasis on the macro-environment, SEnts and SEurs;
Specific objective 2. To identify the conducive factors for development and promotion of SE, organizational factors for SEnts and individual factors for SEurs;
Specific objective 3. To analyze the level of influence of the macro-level factors on the meso- (organizational) and microlevel (individual) factors in the SE context;
Specific objective 4. To present the level of influence of the macro-level factors on the meso- and microlevel in the SE through an index of central themes and subthemes.
Info to be added.
Conducting research on public opinion related to the subject “Citizens’ Perception of Public Health and Services Offered Therein”.
Business Consulting
Exploring the possibility of establishing a social enterprise by introducing the service “Emergency Button and Other Support Services for Elderly People”.
Specific tasks include:
– Development of fully-fledged concept for performing a feasibility study;
– Development of a methodology for the feasibility study;
– Preparation of a feasibility study according to the concept and methodology;
– Development and execution of capacity building module and workshop for “conducting a survey, as a research tool”;
– Presentation of feasibility study results and development and delivery of final report with recommendations to the contractor.
Development of Regional Network and Resource Center for Social Entrepreneurship – the Social Entrepreneurship Observatory (www.seobservatory.org) focused on the development of social entrepreneurship in South- East Europe.
Providing mentorship and consultancy to potential sustainable and social businesses as part of the “RISE JOURNEY” program, implemented by the Association for Social Innovation “ARNO”, as part of the “RISE” regional program.
Development of a Toolkit for social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurs.
Project development and management, fundraising, undertaking and completing research assignments, implementing trainings, workshops and other public and expert events, analytical work (policy and legal documents), legal expertise, communication and coordination.
"Decent Worker"
Specific tasks include:
– Provision of entrepreneurship training and business plan development;
– Assessment of business ideas;
– Drafting a report on the development of business ideas.
– Development and execution of capacity-building module and workshop for “conducting a survey as a research tool”.
Developing and implementing training for Citizen-centric Approach to Delivery of Public Services.
"Decent Worker"
Developing and implementing training for social entrepreneurship titled:
“Social Entrepreneurship as a Career Path”.
Developing and implementing a lecture on social entrepreneurship ecosystems and business modelling as part of the Entrepreneurship course.
Developing and implementing a lecture on social entrepreneurship titled:
“Social Entrepreneurship: The Future of Entrepreneurship”.
Sharing leadership and organizational culture practices related to social entrepreneurship.
Developing and implementing a lecture on regional development of social entrepreneurship and social business modelling.